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A very old town, Bosra became one of the leading Nabatean cities at the 1st century, before becoming the capital of the Province of Arabia of the Roman conquerors (106AD). As a crossroads on the caravan routes and residence of the Imperial Legate, the city flourished and many fine buildings were erected. As the seat of an archbishop, Bosra played an important role in the history of early Christianity as well as having links with the beginnings of Islam.

According to tradition, a certain Mohammed Ben Abdullah occasionally passed through Bosra. He would take time to consult with a revered Christian monk on theological matters. The monk, it is said, prophesied the future of Mohammed. Thus Bosra chronicles its connection to the founder of Islam. The city retained its prominence as a stopping point on the Hajj route to Mecca up until the Ottomans moved the route further to the west.

The major point of interest of Bosra Al-Cham, as the town is presently known, is an Arab fortress that encloses one of the best preserved Roman amphitheaters. Built around the end of the 2nd century AD, it seats up to 15,000 spectators with perfect acoustics. Also dating from the late 2nd century are palatial Roman baths recently excavated, approximately 50 meters to the East.

It is recommended to also visit the Nabatean and Roman gates, the cryptoportic, the Buhaira's church and the Omari mosque.


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